Samuel Muñoz —Associate Professor
Sam is an Associate Professor in the Department of Marine & Environmental Sciences with a cross-appointment in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. He obtained a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he was advised by Jack Williams, and then held a postdoctoral position in the Coastal Systems Group at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. His research uses geological, historical, and numerical approaches to understand environmental variability and its influence on people.
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Charlotte Wiman — Postdoctoral Research Associate
Charlotte is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Marine & Environmental Sciences. Charlotte is a Northeastern graduate (B.S. Environmental Science), completed her M.S. at Northern Arizona University with Nick McCay, and her Ph.D. at Northeastern. As a postdoc, she is working on a project that combines floodplain instrumentation, sedimentary archives, and hydraulic modeling to develop quantitative paleoflood records.
Michelle O’Donnell — Ph.D. Candidate
Michelle is a PhD student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She graduated with a BS in Environmental Science from Northeastern in 2016, then worked for the Cambridge Water Department before completing her MS in Civil Engineering at University of Colorado Boulder with Ben Livneh. She is also a recipient of the NSF GRFP.
Lindsay Lawrence — Ph.D. Candidate
Lindsay is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Marine & Environmental Sciences. She holds a B.S. in Meteorology from Virginia Tech and her M.S. in Meteorology from Florida State, under the advisory of Rhys Parfitt. At Northeastern, Lindsay will be working on a project that seeks to further the understanding of atmospheric dynamic influences on flooding and extreme climate events in New England.
Austin Gaydos — Ph.D. Student
Austin is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He graduated with a BS in Biological Engineering from Penn State in 2023. At Northeastern he will be examining microplastic accumulation and distribution within floodplain soils.
Masters Students
- Rachel Jiang (MS Environmental Science and Policy)
- Zachary Armand (MS Data Science)
Undergraduate Students
- Rylan Gonzalez (undergraduate research assistant)
Lab Alumni
- Joeri Reinders (Assistant Professor, Leiden University)
- Portia Freeman (Water Resources Engineer, Kleinfelder)
- Kris Schaible (B.S. Environmental & Sustainability Science, Northeastern)
- Meher Khanna (B.S. Environmental & Sustainability Science, Northeastern)
- Kimberly Marchese (B.S. Environmental & Sustainability Science ,Northeastern)
- Brynnydd Hamilton (Ph.D. student, MIT/WHOI Joint Program)
- Olivia Burek (M.S. student Boston College)
- B Parazin (Ph.D. student, McGill University)
- Aaron Goodman (Ph.D. student, Colorado School of Mines)
- Isabella Lopez (Environmental Science Teacher, Jacksonville Florida)
- Annie Tucker (Environmental Scientist at Environmental Partners)
- Grace Nyberg (B.S. Environmental & Sustainability Science, Northeastern)
- Jesse Hoogs (B.S. Environmental Science & Computer Science, Northeastern)
- Anika Sharma (B.S. Environmental Science & Computer Science, Northeastern)
- Brandan Lawrence
- David Carter
- Ilana Hirschfeld (Climate Communications Assistant, MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative)
- Carleigh Norton (Environmental Analyst, MassDOT)
- Michelle Chen
- Daniel Litchmore (Emergency Management Specialist, FEMA)
Research Opportunities
If you are a Northeastern undergraduate student interested in research, please contact Sam at least one month prior to your desired start date; I give preference to students who have excelled in Earth Science coursework prior to working in the lab.
For prospective graduate students, keep in mind that applications to the Ph.D. programs in Marine & Environmental Sciences and Civil & Environmental Engineering are due in early December. Please reach out to Sam in the summer or fall prior to submitting your application to discuss current opportunities in the lab. More information for prospective graduate students can be found here.